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Recently we were invited to repaint all the communal stairways and landings in a small block of flats in Manchester.
Working in areas that have shared access for many residents bring with it a number of logistical problems, such as trip hazards, wet paint, dust inhalation and paint fumes to name but a few.
After making the necessary arrangements to notify residents in writing prior to any work starting we were ready to begin.
The job.
When we first went to view this job we noticed that there was very little light coming in through the windows due to the trees outside. Therefor it was important that we maximised the amount of light coming in. Some of the windows were in a poor state of repair and the old, tired lavender paint on the wall gave a rather dreary, neglected feel to the stairwells.
As we previously mentioned there were several residents coming and going during the course of the day which was a major factor in us deciding to spray the walls and ceiling.
Firstly we laid down dust sheets to protect the carpets which were being kept masking all the banister rails and spindles as well as plug sockets and light switches…in fact everything which was not to be sprayed.
Then we filled in all the holes and dents in the walls and sanded them smooth. The windows had some extra time spent on them building up layers of filler.
Then we sprayed all the walls and ceilings due to the fact that the paint is atomised during the spraying it was all dry very quickly. Now with the paint dry we removed all the masking.
Lastly we glossed the woodwork.
Now with all the walls and ceilings brilliant white and the woodwork being white gloss the area looks bright, clean and airy.
Lastly we put up wet paint signs so that residents would not get paint on themselves.


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